
Scan Sys

Scan Sys

About Scan Sys

Scan Sys is a software company that offers solutions for the automatic processing of documents such as purchase invoices. Our software, ImageCapture integrates fully with your CERM administration and makes use of all available data to generate an automatic booking entry. 
ImageCapture also matches the purchase invoice with registrated purchase orders in CERM. Any descripancies are immediately identified. Processed invoices are immediately validated and when using ImageCapture Workflow for authorisation  invoices are created and put on hold in CERM. With ImageCapture software you can save valuable time on your adminstrative process!

"Our partnership with CERM started in 2017 with the developing of an integration between CERM and our ImageCapture software. This integration was developed at the request of CERM users who where looking for a solution to process their purchase invoices automatically. The processing and approving of these types of documents in particular, is a time consuming process. Invoices tend to get lost in piles of documents and are not getting paid on time. By automating the process from receipt up and until payment, invoices are always available, costs are registrated in the correct period and you know what the status of your invoices is, at any time."

- Maarten Terlingen, CEO at Scan Sys